Log in to West Coast College of Massage Therapy Mock Board Exam
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Register for the WCCMT's Mock Board Exam?
Creating an online account.
- Fill out the 'Create new account' form to create your online profile with our site.
- An email will be immediately sent to your email address (if you can't find the email, please check your junk or spam folder).
- Read your email, and click on the web link it contains to confirm your new account, you'll be brought back to this site and automatically logged into your account. You now have an account on the site and can use your username and password to log in at any time.
Read the Exam Preparation information.
- Exam Preparation: includes information about creating an online account, preparing your workspace and registering for the exam.
Register for the Mock Board Exam.
- Navigate to the 'Register for Exam' page. Click on the 'Register for Exam' button.
- When prompted for an "enrollment key" - use the one provided by WCCMT to gain access to the exam area.
- When ready, begin the WCCMT Mock Board Exam, Good Luck!
You will need to allow approximately 3 1/2 hours to complete the exam.